The Sacred Life uses the transformative power of love, wisdom, and integrity as a path to go inward and connect with your deep, intuitive wisdom. This way of living creates a deep sense of inner peace while fostering a healthy dose of personal empowerment. At the core of living a sacred life is loving yourself first, then sharing the love you have for yourself with others.

We all struggle to love ourselves at times. It is common to give our power away to others in an effort to seek their approval and validation. However, this misplaced desire often leads to us being let down, abandoned, and traumatized. The truth is, if you do not love yourself, you will allow yourself to be mistreated due to a lack of self-worth and self-respect.

If you do not love yourself, you cannot listen to yourself. If you don’t listen to yourself, you cannot experience trusting yourself. If you do not trust yourself, it is impossible to learn to love yourself and you will inevitably trust someone else over yourself, giving them your power and repeating the cycle. 

The Sacred Life teaches a daily practice called Sacred Space where you create a space every day to go inward to practice listening to your own intuitive wisdom. This good, hard work is the foundation of The Sacred Life and will lead you to a deep sense of peace and a renewed sense of personal empowerment.